大会長あいさつ | Greeting

The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology

草間 薫
明海大学歯学部 病態診断治療学講座
病理学分野 教授
The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology
Kaoru Kusama
Division of Pathology,
Department of Diagnostic & Therapeutic Sciences,
Meikai University School of Dentistry


本大会のテーマは「温故知新 ―From the Past to the Future ―」とさせていただきました。会員の皆様方におかれましては、症例検討をはじめ新たな成果をご発表いただきたく存じます。

2017年早々に頭頸部腫瘍の新たなWHO分類の改訂版が出版されます。本大会では、International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Molecular PathologyのSection Headであり、すべてのWHO blue bookのcoordinatorを務められました 大垣 比呂子 先生に特別講演をお願いしております。それに引き続きまして、新WHO分類のChapter 8 (Odontogenic and Maxillofacial Bone Tumours)につきまして、同Chapterの責任者であります広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院の 高田 隆 教授に教育講演をお願いしております。また、昼食時間を利用させていただき、本学の 井出 文雄 客員准教授が「歯原性腫瘍の歴史的回顧」について講演いたします。

さらに国立国際医療研究センター研究所、難治性疾患研究部難治性疾患研究室長 志村 まり 先生に「X線顕微鏡で観る・医学生物応用」についての特別講演をお願いしております。

シンポジウムとしましては「リンパ球と疾患」をテーマに理化学研究所 統合生命医科学研究センター 自然免疫システム研究チーム チームリーダー 茂呂 和世 先生に「2型自然リンパ球とアレルギー」、獨協医科大学医学部 病理診断学講座 小島 勝 教授に「悪性リンパ腫と境界病変」について解説をお願いしております。

25日最終の講演は日本大学歯学部 落合 邦康 特任教授に歯周病と全身との関連について歯科関係者に公開でお話願いたいと考えています。




Dear Colleagues,

The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Oral Pathology will be held in Kawagoe on August 23-25, 2017. It is a great honor for us, the members of the Division of Pathology, Department of Diagnostic & Therapeutic Sciences, Meikai University School of Dentistry to host this meeting.

The theme of the meeting is “From the Past to the Future”, which we hope will present opportunities for interesting new results and case studies.

The revised edition of the WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours will be published early in 2017. I have invited Dr. Hiroko Ohgaki (Head, Section of Molecular Pathology, Series Editor, 4th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours Series, International Agency for Research on Cancer: IARC) as a special guest speaker. In addition, Prof. Takashi Takata (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University), who is responsible for Chapter 8 (Odontogenic and Maxillofacial Bone Tumours), will deliver an educational lecture. During the lunch break, Dr. Fumio Ide (Meikai University School of Dentistry) will also give a lecture on “Historical aspects of odontogenic tumours”.

We have also asked Dr. Mari Shimura (National Center for Global Health and Medicine) to deliver a special lecture on “Visualization of Intracellular Elements by Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy- Application for Cell Biology and Medicine”.

Moreover, we will hold a symposium on “Lymphocytes and related diseases” featuring lectures by Dr. Kazuyo Moro (RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences) and Prof. Masaru Kojima (Dokkyo Medical University).

The last lecture on August 25th, “Relationship between Periodontal and Systemic Diseases”, which is open to dental personnel, will be delivered by Prof. Kuniyasu Ochiai (Nihon University School of Dentistry).

Kawagoe (also known as koedo “little Edo”) is a historical town famous for its toki-no-kane (bell tower) and kura-no-machi (rows of old storehouses). It also has many temples, shrines and even a castle, creating a historical atmosphere of ancient Edo (the former name for Tokyo). Kawagoe can be reached by a single train line from Yokohama, Shibuya or Shinjuku, and attracts more than 6 million tourists per year. Local foods are delicious and well regarded. We are looking forward to seeing you all in Kawagoe.
